Posted by Stephanie On Friday, October 15, 2010 0 comments

Halloween is almost here and i have not even start off making my costume... o-mi-gosh.. :P
anyway, manage to compromise with my mom about my costume and looks like im gonna go as ROBIN HOOD!! WHO STEALS FROM THE RICH AND FEEDS THE POOR! cliche line however it is ME we are talking about! yes, i do steal from the rich and no, i don't feed the poor with it! LOL! finders keepers, losers..uh.. weepers ( i think...) at least im not going to wear something... dressy(no such word but im just winging it)
my mom and dad are going as pharaohs (the money people)
my eldest sis, mafia (the one who own territories... and gets profit from it)
my 2nd sis, dutchess (the feminine one with lots of money as well...)
me, robin hood ( the poorest one.... who have to steal from rich people like them and keep it to myself! :D)

wow... im the poorest character among my family... why are they all actin bloody rich???
an extra info from my sis.. she told me that robin hood died an awful death due to some betrayal by some lady where she cut his vein and leave him to die.. by the time little John came, he was too late. robin hood is still alive but dying so with his last breathe, he shot the arrow to mark his grave...

its not fair where awesome people died a horrible death...
the pharaohs are evil at one point but they die peacefully...
the mafia's are nasty people as well but they can choose to die and retire peacefully...
The dutchess can be selfish and ALSO die peacefully!
WTH!! im the only one.. AGAIN... with the character that died a horrible death!

making my own bow and arrow~! and making my a tommy gun for my eldest sis... hers look like a lot of work T T damn... i have to use my sewing skill which im fairly ok... but i just can't stop pricking myself in the finger... this is not sleeping beauty so i won't die from it...
time to put my skill to use and hopefully it will turn out right :D