Hey people, i have some comic strip for you guys to read but first...FISH QUIZ!!What do you do with the dead fish who commit suicide???
A..Flush it..
B.Throw away somewhere...
C. Eat it...
D. Bury it..
You pick A. Flush it
You pick B. Throw it somewhere..
You pick C. Eat it...
You pick D. Bury it...
well,that's all i can come up with.if you have any suggestion of what you want to see, feel free to suggest. (^.^) hope you enjoy it!!!
Have you guys ever ask yourselves what are you going to be?well, i ask that question to myself many, many times. I know what i WANT to be but it's a very scary path to take and a big risk. You know what i really want to be? i want to be a Anime artist but i don't have the courage to tell that.I tried to forget that ambition and think of taking the science or business work but the more i tried to forget,the more i want to be an anime artist. Sometimes, it's hard to give up the thing we love doing the most.BUT NEVER EVER NEVER...uh......EVER give up!! LOL!!!i still love to draw!!!!!!!!MUA KA KA KA KA...wish i could show it to you guys though but i don't have a scanner.LOL!