Whats wrong with me?

Posted by Stephanie On Monday, March 28, 2011 0 comments

Can I just let it all out? Can I just scream? its bottled up inside me. But I'm too afraid to let it all out and lose it all. all this anger, sadness, loss and frustration. it just makes me more agitated. I blame it on the side effects of the PMS-ing but that just seems partial of it.

tears build up and flows down, my head is now just full of thoughts, it gives me a bloody headache all the time. Im afraid of letting myself out and throw it on those who did nothing to me. I didn't mean to get angry at you or throw it on you. something just bothers me and I really wish i could just say it but I can't, I won't and I never will.
I won't go further into details because I don't want to reveal everything. lets just leave it that way. Saying some stuff here just to let me calm down.

Listening friends

Posted by Stephanie On Tuesday, March 8, 2011 0 comments

Everyone wants someone to listen to them
to be there for them
didn't need to ask them to be there
cause they know
they will be there
automatically, they will come to you
they wouldn't wait for u to ask
cause they care and know u need them.
they wouldn't leave even though u brush em off
they would stay and listen
wipe your tears that you shed.
if it wasn't good enough
they would cry along with you
feel all the heart aches you bear

sometimes friends put up walls
not to shut you out or push you away
but waiting
for you to break it down and come
if you listen,
not just to preachers, teachers or seniors
you'll learned a great deal of that someone.

truly, good friends are difficult to leave and hard to find and impossible to forget
thats what I love about good friends, best friends and close friends
a title thats worth more than gold
true friendship doesn't always mean being there when your convenient,
they will be there when ur not
and when silence between friends is comfortable.
but most of all, they listen.

Hidden Object Games

Posted by Stephanie On Thursday, March 3, 2011 0 comments

After a tedious week of projects, I have an urge to play games and so happen to be the hidden object games. browsing through the internet and came across a game called Dying For Daylight. tried the trial version and it got me hooked. buts its trial so i only can play 1 hr!!!!

after the 1hr period is up, i got obsesses into trying to find that game!!!! oh god, the humanity!
anyway, thanks to my uncle who told me about a certain website where i can download games, i was on cloud nine!
apparently, i played the game too fast so i ended up finishing it in 1 day... not good... so i browse through again looking for more hidden objects game and found stray of souls. it was creepy but i kinda like the story plot and the creativity of the dollhouse :) i recommend anyone to go download and play it cause its seriously fun.
the homepage of the game. kinda cool cause it gives off an eerie feeling with its music :)
I got spooked at the doll at first cause its all voodoo-ish and it smiles..but after a while, i find it kinda cute :D
im kinda piss off what is going to happen to the cute voodoo doll :(

Dying For Daylight homepage :)

Love her sarcasm :D