yay, finish project 1 and I'm already half dead (X.X) today didn't have to go to college but already got the second project so have to go out and take some pictures...do research..grr... i could have slept a bit more to recuperate the lost sleep if it weren't for KIN WENG to CALL me and WAKE me up from my NICE SLEEP!! but lucky he call otherwise i waste my morning by sleeping... no good..no good.. anyway, seeing IAD people finish their class so FAST?? wonder what project you IAD people doing( whoah, discriminating people! lol.)
Start college today!! But!! nothing much happen....... Thank God for our new classroom. its not that big but just right for eight people in graphic. yep..eight people..... wow.....so little... sadly, not much people from other college transfer to KBU. ah well.. met new people and met someone that is an eyesore to me... don't wanna talk about that person so proceed to other things.. Can't wait to learn and I'm prepared for more XL eye bags to form under my eyes!
third day of the new year... 2 more days to go back college and start degree....AHH!!! im excited... heard that other people from other colleges are coming also..excited as well! make new friends!muahahah... yea, excited but.... where on earth am i suppose to go??????? and i meant the place not the course! where ~ oh ~ where ~ am~ I ~ suppose ~ to ~ go... OH ~ WHERE ~ OH ~ WHERE ~ CAN ~ IT ~ BE!