HALLOWEEN IS COMING!! HAHAHAHA!!!! I'M SO HAPPY ^.^!! yes, im a Halloween fan girl.. most people think celebrating Halloween is childish but thats because they haven't tried celebrating it and experiencing wearing a costume for a day! i want to make my costume but because of the projects.. i think i have to wear my old costume last year... or maybe i'll just find something and make a quick one... but im not sure what im going to be this year.. oh! my family celebrate Halloween in my aunts house! I can't wait to see what they are going as this year! omg.. all this halloween thing is making me excited and making me lazy to do my work! GASP!!! NO!!! I plan to invite maybe like 3 to 4 frens? i hope my aunt allows that many...LOL! and of course i'll invite my best fren to come! but first have to finish the workload that has already compiled...OMG!!!!!! going to a goth shop for my project and get some for myself! HEHEH!!!! i love goth stuff but im not that masochist or emo. not a goth either! but my elder sister thinks i am....(-_-")
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