Goodbye Pig...

Posted by Stephanie On Monday, December 21, 2009 0 comments

Sad news today... when i woke up, i was already told the sad news from my mom.... my sister pet guinea pig passed away... i was quite shock by the sudden death of dear pig( yes, its name was pig)... its gonna be quiet in this house... usually, i can hear pig squeal every time if i call my sis or its name.. sad... im actually surprised that my pet hamster, pantat, live longer than my sis guinea pig... the hamster live like 2-3 years already? i was sad when i saw pig's body... so lifeless. im amazed with my sis... her expression didn;t change.... she didn't cry or show any signs of sadness... She act like how she usually act normally.. TOO NORMAL!!! if it was me, i would be crying! yes, im very sensitive with pets.. they are like family to me as well. im not quite close with pig cause im afraid to hold pig... his massive size scare the hell out of me... i know its because he's a guinea pig but this is my first time that we actually have a pet guinea pig..poor pantat too...he's gonna be lonely... no one to make noise to disturb him...

Though the time we spent was very short and less , i will miss you dear pig...